My Acquaintances

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In my OVER 50 years of life, I have met people...

On this page I want to share some of these special moments with you.

Of course my favorite "person"!! Goofy and I "goofying" off January 2005!!

Almost President John McCain and I in his D.C. office November 1993.  This was my first political trip to Washington D.C.

Remember Rick Schroder of "Silver Spoons" and NYPD? My first meeting with Rick, August 2004.

And of course his most recent, and my new favorite, "Strong Medicine" of LMN?

The Lettermen - vocals from 1960's

Talk about some sweet crooners - Donovan Tea, Darren Dowler, and founder Tom Butala!  The Lettermen sang to me August 2004 in Tucson!

"Black Cloud" Movie Premiere September 2004 in Tucson - Tucson Indian Center

Russell Means and I "celebrating" in Tucson!

And of course, "Black Cloud" star: Eddie Spears.

In addition to Rick Schroder, Russell Means, Julia Jones - the star was EDDIE (and me)!

Antoher political move? Here I am with Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup.

Celebrating the dedication of Kolbe Square in Tucson - October 2004.