Mi familia :
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TC Fam
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Beyond TC
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TCHS - Class of 1974
The Graduate 2000
Masters Degree 2002
Another Masters Degree 2004
THE Wedding - Jes and Mike
Dana Did IT
50 and Holding!!
And Jes DID it too!!
Beloved Trisha
Contact Page
Poppy Joe Did it TOO!!
Welcome Andrew!!
The joy of my life, my family . . .
Here are some family snapshots - site continuing to grow with the family :0)

Love of my life - Joseph!!
And we are where? Disneyland? You bet!!

Jessica - 17 years old/senior picture 2002-2003!

Dana - going on 30! in 2006! Makes mom more than 28, huh?

Our first pride and joy - Grandbaby McKenna Moran Harrington! 3 mos young! Born August 31, 2000.

Baby Santa (McKenna) - 4 mos!!

McKenna and Auntie Jessica...

McKenna going on 1 year and 2 mos- loving Nana and Poppy's trip to Disneyland.

Jessica and friend 'goofing' off at Disneyland.

Now who is "goofying" at Disney? hmm?

New Addition to the Fam!! Stepson Scott's little baby girl - Madyson. Born September 04, 2001.

Baby Mady and Poppy Joe.

Cheesy Grin Dana - okay what's the ASU joke for the day?

Madyson - looking pretty!

Harrington addition - Mom Jodie and Dalton Clay Harrington 3/7/02.

One year old Dalton Clay - playing cowboy.

The Natives - McKenna and Dalton 2002.

New Addition: Christian Dillon, born to Doyle and Dana Dillon.

Nana Bertha with Baby Christian.

McKenna goofing off at Disneyland - 2003!!

Princess meets Princess at Disneyland.

Dalton: "Mickey, here I come!"

And they GROW - McKenna's 1st school Pic - 2004!!

Dalton - Age 3 - March 2005 - Spiderman Jr.

And they grow...August 2004 - Christian Doyle Dillon at cousin McKenna's b-day party!

Dana is a die-hard "U-2" fan - here she is at April 2005 concert in Glendale, AZ!

And they grow up? Hmm..Jessica and hubby Mike with Mickey...Jan. 2005.

Da hubby and I - after a "rough" Disney day - January 2005!

Dalton 3.5 yrs old - pre-school picture, 12/2005

McKenna - 4.5 yrs old, pre-school picture 12/2005